Growth Mindset dalam Meningkatkan Mental Health bagi Generasi Zoomer

Resekiani Mas Bakar(1*), A. Putri Maharani Usmar(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



Abstract. One of the negative impacts of technological sophistication for the Zoomer generation is mental health problems. Mentally healthy is a condition that can increase individual potential, especially in generation Z. Growth mindset in improving mental health aims to provide knowledge and information for generation Z participants about the condition of Indonesia and the reality of youth of generation Z, as well as the importance of a healthy mentality. This training focuses more on how to build growth mindset , which is a positive view of becoming a mentally healthy individual. Training is conducted offline and online. The training participants amounted to 300 people who were Generation Z, namely SMP, SMA, and SMK students from various schools in Makassar City and also involved students from STIA LAN Makassar College. The process of training activities lasted for 2 hours 30 minutes which was carried out with a series of activities, namely material presentations, discussions, and question and answer sessions. The training participants showed high activity and enthusiasm during the growth mindset in improving mental health for generation Z. Evaluation of the training through interviews showed that there was a change in the way of thinking that must be built by generation Z in overcoming various challenges of digitalization and interpersonal relationships.

Keywords: Growth Mindset, Mental Health, Generation Z

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