Difference In Effectiveness Of Conventional Learning And E Learning Using Whatsapp Application In SD Gugus IV Kecamatan Tanasitolo Kabupaten Wajo

Andi Reski Febriawan(1*), Rohana Rohana(2), Nurhaedah Nurhaedah(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/ijest.v2i1.33907


This research is an ex post facto study that uses a quantitative approach with comparative research methods which aims to find out 1) an overview of the effectiveness of conventional learning at SD Cluster IV, Tanasitolo District, Wajo Regency 2) an overview of the effectiveness of e-learning using the WhatsApp application at SD Cluster IV, Tanasitolo District, District Wajo 3) Differences in the Effectiveness of Conventional Learning and E-learning Using the Whatsapp Application at Elementary School Cluster IV, Tanasitolo District, Wajo Regency. The independent variables in this study were conventional learning and e-learning using the whatsapp application, while the dependent variable was the effectiveness of learning. The sample selection was carried out using a quota sampling technique with the results of the sampling consisting of 30 respondents. Data collection techniques in this research are questionnaires in the form of questionnaires and documentation. Data was collected from the questionnaire on the effectiveness of conventional learning and e-learning using the WhatsApp application and then analyzed descriptively and statistically inferential using the paired sample T-Test. The results of the research that have been carried out, it can be concluded that:  (1) Overview of the effectiveness of conventional learning is in the very effective category, this is from the average value of the results of filling out the questionnaire on the effectiveness of conventional learning (2) Overview of the effectiveness of e-learning using the WhatsApp application is in the quite effective category. this is obtained from the average value of the questionnaire on the effectiveness of e-learning using the whatsapp application (3) Based on the results of inferential statistical analysis, it is obtained that the probability value in conventional learning and e-learning using the whatsapp application can be concluded that there are differences in the effectiveness of conventional learning and e-learning using the application whatsapp on Elementary Scholl Gugus IV, Kecamatan Tanasitolo, Wajo Kabupaten Wajo

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