Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Articulate Storyline terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 16 Sinjai

Mutia Ulfa(1), Sitti Rahma Yunus(2*), Arie Arma Arsyad(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



This study aims to find out 1) How much the increase in learning outcomes of grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Sinjai who are taught using Articulate Storyline-based learning media, 2) How much the increase in learning outcomes of grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Sinjai who are taught using conventional learning media, 3) Are there differences in learning outcomes between classes taught using Articulate Storyline-based media and those taught with media conventional learning grade VIII SMP Negeri 16 Sinjai. This type of research is a Quasi Experimental Design research with a Nonequivalent Control Group design. The population of all grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Sinjai, for the 2022/2023 academic year consisting of 4 classes with a total of 99 people, the sample was selected by purposive sampling, with 2 classes, namely the control class (VIII C) totaling 19 people and the experimental class (VIII D) totaling 15 people. The research instrument is in the form of a learning outcome test. Data collection is carried out by providing Pre-test and Post-test. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results of the analysis concluded that there are differences in learning outcomes between classes taught using Articulate Storyline-based learning media and those taught using conventional learning media, which means that Articulate Storyline-based learning media affects the learning outcomes of grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Sinjai.


Learning Media; Articulate Storyline; Learning Outcomes.

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  Email: [email protected]

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