The Development of Teaching Material for English Writing Skill for Young Learners (ages 12-14) in English Courses in Bekasi

Juliansyah Juliansyah(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


This research is about the development of teaching material in writing skill for young learners (ages 12-14). This research takes places in some English courses in Bekasi. The purpose of this research is to create sets of teaching material that is more applicable for all students in those ages. The research applies qualitative approach and the methodology of developmental research. In this case, the research utilizes steps of module development, namely: 1) Pre-research, 2) Creation, 3) 1st Trial Class, 4) Revision, 5) 2nd Trial Class, and 6) Final Development. This research involves one head researcher and 2 teachers who do the test-teaching. The head researcher writes all the draft based on the result of pre-research. The researcher then trains the teachers before the teachers do the teaching, so all the teachers can conduct the teaching in the same or standard ways. The researcher also guides all the teachers to do the steps in teaching, conduct the test after teaching process, as well as apply the scoring system. The researcher hopes that, at the end of the research, the module is applicable in broader scales of class, not only in English courses but also in formal schools.


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