EFL teachers’ voice diversity on TPD (Teacher Professional Development) learning activities

Khulaifiyah Khulaifiyah(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Teacher professional development (TPD)has been a substantial issue in contemporary educational research and policy. Yet, implication of TPD learning activities has been differed from one to another. Diversity respondent were covering exemplary teachers from elementary, junior and senior high schools. This study was done mainly to get information about EFL teachers’ voice about professional development learning  activities in the area where they are active teaching. The collected data from questionnaire and interviews were analyzed and interpreted from questionnaire and reports from teacher perception or opinion. The findings reveal that the subjects have diversity views about professional development learning activities.  In term of activity, there are two activities got the highest percentage for their professional development; 1) trying out new ideas or suggestions in practice for EFL teachers (53,13 %), usually it applied from the result of joining workshop or training due to English topics and 2) applying variety of  learning activities (43.75%), in which they are consciously create conditions that support the development of their students of teaching as research informed practitioners through the way they approach their teaching  practices.

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