Analisis Optimalisasi Perilaku Hemat Energi Pada Ruang Rawat Inap Di Rs Labuang Baji Kota Makassar

Syamsuddin Mustafa(1*), Hamsu Abdul Gani(2), Nurlita Pertiwi(3),

(1) Universitas Bosowa
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The need for electrical energy in Indonesia is increasing, this is due to rapid population growth and advances in information and technology. Electrical energy is widely used in buildings such as factories, office buildings, large capacity commercial buildings. Data for 2021 shows that the average energy usage at Labuang Baji Regional Hospital is 209,893 Kwh/m2/month. Based on the initial energy audit, it was found that electrical energy usage at Labuang Baji Regional Hospital was 15.87 Kwh/m2/month. Based on IKE (Energy Consumption Intensity) standards in buildings in Indonesia, energy use at Labuang Baji Regional Hospital is in the Somewhat Wasteful category (14.58-19.17). This study aims to look at user behavior in saving energy in inpatient rooms at Labuang Baji Hospital, Makassar City. The type of research used was quantitative descriptive with the total population of inpatient room users and determining the sample using purposive sampling so that 150 respondents were found. The results of the analysis show that behavior arises as a result of the encouragement of knowledge, attitudes, motivation and subjective norms. In this research, what drives the formation of behavior the most is subjective norms. Where, inpatient room users are still using it in violation of the policies that have been made by the hospital, namely regarding the prohibition of large numbers of visitors and the provisions on visiting hours. However, in reality there are still many who come beyond the limited number of visitors and come not at the specified time.


Users, Energy Saving, Behavior.

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