Strategi Peningkatan Kesiapan Berwirausaha Siswa SMK Dalam Menjawab Tantangan Pengangguran Friksional Di Kabupaten Pangkep

Muhammad Jafar(1*), Anwar Ramli(2), Muhammad Rakib(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Frictional.unemployment.generally.occurs because someone has not found the right job due to lack of.job.vacancy information. Vacancies may be available, but the skills required are not appropriate or for other reasons. Meanwhile, this happens a lot to SMK students. As an illustration, there are 18% of SMK students who continue to college, 5% work in the industrial world, 3% of franchise employees, 1% of farmers, 0% of fishermen, 72% of unemployed and 1% of self-employed. This data shows us that the percentage of students who are unemployed is very high, reaching 72%. This indicates that vocational students do not yet have entrepreneurial readiness, especially when they graduate and have the opportunity to become frictional unemployed. The focus of the problems in this study are: (1) The objectives of the strategy for increasing the entrepreneurial readiness of vocational students in responding to the challenges of frictional unemployment in Pangkep Regency. (2) The forms of strategies to increase the entrepreneurial readiness of SMK students in responding to the challenges of frictional unemployment in Pangkep Regency. (3) Supporting Factors and Inhibiting Factors for the strategy of increasing entrepreneurial readiness of SMK students in responding to the challenges of frictional unemployment in Pangkep Regency. The aims of the study were to describe: (1) The objectives of the strategy for increasing the entrepreneurial readiness of SMK students in responding to the challenges of frictional unemployment in Pangkep Regency. (2) The forms of strategies to increase the entrepreneurial readiness of SMK students in responding to the challenges of frictional unemployment in Pangkep Regency. (3) Supporting and Inhibiting Factors for the strategy of increasing entrepreneurial readiness of SMK students in responding to the challenges of frictional unemployment in Pangkep Regency. The results of the research are: 1) The objectives of the strategy for increasing the entrepreneurial readiness of vocational students in responding to the challenges of frictional unemployment in Pangkep Regency, such as: Generating output and student outcomes that are ready to use in the world of work and Overcoming the occurrence of frictional unemployment. 2) The forms of strategies for increasing the entrepreneurial readiness of SMK students in responding to the challenges of frictional unemployment in Pangkep Regency, such as: Providing Entrepreneurship Learning, Providing Internship Experience, Considering the Elements of Student Information Education, Entrepreneurship Literacy. 3) Supporting factors for the strategy to increase the entrepreneurial readiness of SMK students in responding to the challenges of frictional unemployment in Pangkep Regency, including: Funds for providing education, participation of teachers, students and stakeholders, curriculum while inhibiting factors such as; Teacher Competence, Learning Resources, Place and Schedule Short Internships, Learning Facilities and Infrastructure


Strategy, Entrepreneurial Readiness, SMK Students, Frictional Unemployment

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