Praktek Kewirausahaan Sosial Pertanian Perkotaan Berbasis Kelompok di Kota Makassar Studi Kasus Kelompok Wanita Tani Maranca

A. Tenri Ulfa(1*), Bakhrani A. Rauf(2), Moh. Ahsan S. Mandra(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The practice of Social Entrepreneurship (Social Entrepreneurship) in urban agriculture is needed for the welfare of urban communities, especially the poor, where it is hoped that the poor can empower themselves to be able to work out of poverty by increasing access to the community's economy (food fulfillment). The concept of urban agriculture has spread in Makassar City as evidenced by the many groups formed by the community, the private sector and the government, but there are still few groups that practice Social Entrepreneurship because it requires groups that have special abilities or characteristics, among others (1). As agents of social change (2). Creative and innovative (3). Discipline and Hard Work (4). Altruists, and one of the groups that practice Social Entrepreneurship is the Maranca Women Farmers Group (WFG). This research is a descriptive study using qualitative methods through a biographical study approach that reveals actions, circumstances and events to the process of implementing Social Entrepreneurship in urban agriculture and summarized into descriptive conclusions based on the data found by the researchers. The implementation of social entrepreneurship practices by WFG Maranca has been started since 2021, even though the existence of this group is relatively new but benefits and influences on the surrounding community have been felt and based on the special characteristics or nature of the implementation of Social Entrepreneurship this group has implemented urban agricultural social entrepreneurship practices through cultivation activities. kale (main commodity) and other vegetable crops, food processing activities and recycle.


Social Entrepreneurship, Urban Farming

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