Penguatan MGMP dalam membuat soal fisika Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

Kaharuddin Arafah(1*), Muhammad Arsyad(2), Helmi Helmi(3),

(1) Pendidikan Fisika, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Pendidikan Fisika, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Pendidikan Fisika, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this activity was to provide
reinforcement to the Makassar City Physics Subject Teachers
(MGMP) in formulating a question-making grid, constructing
items, analyzing items, calculating the validity and reliability
of assessment instruments physics learning outcomes to
measure Higher Order Thinking skills (HOTS). To achieve
this goal, a workshop was held for Physics teachers who were
members of the Makassar City Physics MGMP at SMAN 10
Makassar as their secretariat. This workshop was held for 4
weeks, every Saturday. In the first week reinforcement was
made in the form of presentations on techniques for making
grids, techniques for formulating items then continued with the
assignment of making a grid for participants. Then in the
second week, there was a discussion about the grid that had
been done by the participants, then continued with formulating
the points which continued with the presentation of each group.
All participants were asked to comment on items made by
other participants. In the third week, presentations were made
by the dedicated team regarding item analysis techniques
which continued with the assignment of assignments to
participants. Last week, there was a discussion about the items
that the participants had made to ensure that all the items
produced by the participants were included in the HOTS
category. The results showed that above 85% of the MGMP
Physics participants were able to produce Physics items that
were included in the HOTS category.

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