Perancangan Alat Peraga dalam Pembelajaran Matematika

Hamda Hamda(1*), Rahmat Syam(2), Maya Sari Wahyuni(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. Partners in this PKM program are elementary school teachers in Takalar District. The problem faced by the teacher is the lack of teaching aids available and the teacher is still not creative in making teaching aids that can help students understand mathematics material with abstract objects. The teacher is also not skilled at demonstrating various kinds of teaching aids. This training aims to train participants to be able to make mathematics teaching aids and be skilled at using mathematics teaching aids in learning. The methods used are (1) Observation, to get more accurate data about the facilities in SD, (2) Discussion, to strengthen teachers' understanding of how to make teaching aids and how to use teaching aids, (3) Training, more emphasis on working or practice rather than theorize. The theory is only about 10% and the rest is practice interspersed with discussion, and (4) Evaluation, from the beginning to the end of the activity, evaluation is carried out continuously to streamline and streamline the course of training activities. The output of this activity is that the training participants can make elementary school mathematics teaching aids and be able to demonstrate teaching aids. The conclusion is (1) training participants can make teaching aids even though they are still limited in number, (2) teaching aids can help teachers to clarify mathematical concepts in a learning process, (3) Participants can demonstrate well even though they still experience a few obstacles, ( 4) Participants can derive or obtain mathematical formulas through the use of mathematical teaching aids.

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