Peningkatan kompetensi pengetahuan sosial-budaya bagi penulis dalam mendukung lahirnya karya sastra berbasis kearifan lokal

Ahmadin Ahmadin(1*), Darman Manda(2), Rifal Rifal(3),

(1) Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This article is the result of community service that intends to provide the basis of understanding in order to improve
the ability of socio-cultural knowledge for writers for the birth of literary works based on local wisdom in Sulawesi Selatan. This
program is considered very important given that the literary works produced by writers in this area are still very limited to make
local wisdom as their contents. Whereas on the other hand local wisdom is an important part of the socio-cultural identity of the
people which requires attention and preserves it. The method used in the process of increasing competency is to conduct training
with the following stages: (1) identifying the socio-cultural values of local communities that require socialization and
preservation, (2) collaborating with one of the author's organizations namely Ikatan Penulis Muslim Indonesia, (3) conducts
training on the potential of local noble values that can be used as writing material, and (4) records literary works based on local
wisdom in the form of short story anthology. Thus, people can learn local wisdom through reading literature.

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