Penciptaan identitas kolektif dan citra komunitas kreatif di Makassar

Nurabdiansyah Nurabdiansyah(1*), Irfan Arifin(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Jamaahkreatifsektorselatan (#jkss) is a branding activity, in the form of a campaign to build a collective identity through community, image, networking and creative entrepreneurship in the field of art and design in Makassar. This creative campaign was carried out to synchronize the vision and potential of several creative communities in southern Makassar in one identity that could be used together. This effort is built through three stages, namely mapping the potential of the creative community, initiating shared space (Creative Hub) to help the community carry out activities, and campaign fencing on social media. Creation is done by IDEO's design thinking approach. The process of creating collective identity is coupled through collaboration in managing publications and communication with fellow communities, exchanging information to sharing simple ideas to be executed creatively (Creative Sharing) The stages that take place and collective identity campaigns through the tag #jamaahkreatifsektorselatan on social media can be seen as an effort to build the image of the region south of Makassar as a creative city branding that can be developed into a new creative identity for Makassar. The creative image of the region in particular can contribute to supporting the image of Makassar as one of the creative cities in Indonesia. From this study it was concluded that community initiatives in responding to the surrounding area, utilizing technological advances and the development of social media, could contribute to a better creative image of the city.

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