Kebijakan Program Pendidikan Profesi Guru terintegrasi pada Program Studi Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran

Syarifah Balkis(1*), Risma Niswaty(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the implementation of the Integrated Teacher Professional Education Program (PPGT) policy at the Study Program of Office Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Makassar, and find out the determinant factors for the implementation of the PPGT Policy at the Study Program of Office Administration. This study uses Edward III Policy implementation model. There are four concepts studied, namely: 1) communication; 2) resources; 3) disposition/attitude; and 4) bureaucratic structure. The findings of this study showed that there was inconsistency in communicating program objectives; constraints in resources are the authority possessed by the implementor in implementing policies is still limited; the attitude of the implementor is sufficient to support the implementation of the program; and the bureaucratic structure in the area of origin of the program participants has changed and has an impact on changes in local policy.


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