Pembelajaran berbasis tutor sebaya pada Matakuliah Ilmu Ukur Tanah dan Lab

Taufiq Natsir(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Students' graduation in the Land Measure subject is mostly caused by students not completing their assignments or practice reports thoroughly, where practice reports are a prerequisite for taking the Semester Final Examination, namely students who do not exceed 60% completion of their practice report. in determining the final value where the final value is determined by the average value of the Quiz, UTS, Tasks and UAS. This study used a randomized control group pretest-posttes design with a total sample of 72 students consisting of 37 in the experimental class and 35 in the control class. Data analysis using t-test. Based on the test criteria, it was concluded that there was a significant effect on student learning outcomes in the class using peer tutoring learning methods

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