Mutu organoleptik hasil fermentasi campuran umbi ubi jalar dan umbi ubi kayu menggunakan ragi tape lokal

Nurhayani H Muhiddin(1*), Ramlawati Ramlawati(2), Nur Arfa Yanti(3), Abdul Mun'im(4),

(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research is to obtain fermentation product of sweet potato tuber and cassava through local “ragi tape” fermentation and to know the organoleptic quality of the fermentation product. The type of research is experiment with solid substrate fermentation method. The “ragi tape” used is 4 types of local ragi tape originating from South Sulawesi Province (ragi tape A, B, C, and D) and 1 type originating from Southeast Sulawesi Province (ragi tape E)). The selected product is fermented product of sweet potato and cassava root which has the best organoleptic quality. The organoleptic test uses Hedonic test with a range of "6" numerical scales to assess the product's properties that include: color, texture taste and flavor. The test used 25 panelists. The selected organoleptic quality of the product is the mixture of sweet potato and cassava roots in a ratio of 1: 1 with the fermentation of ragi tape B is a rather bright color, slightly alcoholic aroma, soft texture, and slightly acidic and slightly sweet taste. The results of this study are expected to be a solution to obtain food products that are safe for healthy as well as efforts to develop and conserve traditional food into functional food.


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