Pengaruh kepadatan penduduk terhadap intensitas kemacetan lalu lintas di Kecamatan Rappocini Makassar

Muhammad Ichsan Ali(1*), Muhammad Rais Abidin(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Congestion is one of the biggest issues which recently experienced by many cities around the world especially in developing countries such as Indonesia since the world undergoes rapid economic and human development. Rappocini district, one of the districts located in Makassar city Indonesia, is currently experiencing massive construction because this area based on the urban planning of Makassar city is associated as a residential zone which may lead to the massive potential congestion. Therefore, this study tries to analyze how population density intervenes level of service of road. Survey method was used to collect the data and regression (SPSS) as well as spatial analysis (overlay) were employed to analyze and visualize the correlation between the population density and the level of service of road. The result shows that the population density does not cause to the level of congestion, however congestion is influenced by several factors consisted of the number of population, population density, highway capacity and the daily average of traffic. Population density value does not influence the level of service of road because Rappocini district is the main gate to access the Makassar city from the south of Sulawesi, therefore the congestion mostly caused by the commuter from Gowa and Takalar district.


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