Aplikasi media e-learning pada Mata Kuliah Pengantar Teknologi Pertanian di Program Studi Pendidikan Teknologi Pertanian

Ratnawaty Fadilah(1*), Marhayati Marhayati(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Media e-learning application in lecture introductory agricultural technology in a program study education agricultural technology state university Makassar. the purpose of develop media learning based e-learning on the study education agricultural technology of engineering faculty state university makassar that the main target is increased the motivation to study and to ease students in the implementation of the learning. E-learning is learning model distance by using devices computer equipped with a device multimedia with internet connection. An excess of this kind of classroom give flexibility, interactive the speed of visualization through excess the media itself. A method of the research is the development of a model of learning which its implementation capable of being increase the quality of learning introductory its agricultural technology from the analysis data using a method of statistika a description. The results show that learning management system have been used to simplify the teaching and learning process because communication with students of the gas from the a college friend of the development process can proceed in LMS. In the manner of access LMS also easy and can be done at war with you wherever hanging from the internet network

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