Pelayanan publik dasar Bidang Pendidikan tentang sarana dan prasana di Kecamatan Pulau Sembilan Kabupaten Sinjai

Risma Niswaty(1*), Muhammad Nasrullah(2), Nasaruddin H.(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to find out the basic public services in the field of education about facilities and infrastructures in Pulau Sembilan District, Kab. Sinjai. The technique of collecting data uses three ways, namely Observation, Interview and Documentation, while the focus of this research is Affordability Distance of Educational Units, Number of Students in Each Class Group, Availability of Teacher Spaces, Availability of Text Books and Reflecting Factors, and Descriptive Qualitative methods. From the results of the study, it is known that so far the Sinjai District Government has policies related to the fundamental problems of the unequal access of junior high school and senior high school education in Pulau Sembilan District, Kab. Sinjai, specific geographical conditions of the region (islands). There are two aspects that are interrelated with these problems, namely: a) aspects of equitable access to education, and b) aspects of equitable spatial accessibility, where both aspects greatly influence the equitable access to school education and on indicators of facilities and infrastructure, research findings indicate indicators that meet standards the minimum service of basic education is the affordability of the distance of the education unit, the number of students in each class group, the completeness of the class, the availability of the teacher's room and its completeness, the availability of enrichment books and reference books.

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Miles,M.B, Huberman,A.M, dan Saldana, J. (2014). Qualitative Data Analysis, A Methods Sourcebook, Edition 3. USA: Sage Publications. Terjemahan Tjetjep Rohindi Rohidi, UI-Press.

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