Perempuan Bugis: Dinamika Aktualisasi Gender Di Sulawesi Selatan

Andi Ima Kesuma(1*), Irwan Irwan(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


The role, status, position and function of women in the dynamics of life in various aspects is still very strategic and interesting to study. This study aims to dissect and analyze how the role, status and function of women in the traditional worldview in communities in South Sulawesi, especially in the Bugis-Makassar community both in lontara and in pappaseng. Specifically in this case it does not examine I La Galigo as one source because it has focused on other writings. The research method used is library research by examining literature pages in various criteria ranging from books, research reports, journal articles, and others. The results show that in the past the people of South Sulawesi have dynamics that always go hand in hand with the spirit of the times, but historically since the 18th century how the role, status, position, and function of women has been very high when compared to how the picture in the area and other ethnic groups in the archipelago. Although in this case what is conveyed in Pappaseng is sometimes not in line with the existing historical reality, because it is more a personal view than an empirical reality in the development of history in South Sulawesi.

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