Perempuan Migran dan Pelacur Terselubung (Kajian Tentang Faktor Penarik Terjadinya Prostittusi Terselubung di Kabupaten Wajo, Sulawesi Selatan)

Musdaliah Mustadjabar(1*), Ashari Ismail(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


The rise of the practice of prostitution carried out by migrant women in Wajo --- raises the problem - anomalies of disharmony and the weakening of social and cultural moral order. The practice of prostitution, which is carried out by migrant women, is understood as a complex social problem. Prostitution as a social pathology, is - hypermodern, which is caused by various factors (including push factors) such as: the condition of women themselves, the drive to fulfill economic needs, sexual desire, weak social order (including omission by unscrupulous village officials) --- a number of factors this includes, --- the source of anomic problems, - in the constellation, the creation of a social order that is as hard as, far from the norm perspective, in the social structure of the Bugis Makassar culture in Wajo.

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