Perempuan dan Pembangunan Politik Kajian Tentang Profile dan Peran Politik Perempuan Kepala Desa dalam Pembangunan Demokratisasi Pedesaan

Ashari Ismail(1*), Firman Umar(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The woman head of Alesipitto village, Pangkep Regency, as the subject of this research is not live parasite in the political roles of development, but the subjects that have power controllers in every pattern and political decision making. Alesipotto Village Head Profile, is the head of village active in public activities as the head of village, and does not leave domestic roles. The political role of the chief village of Alesipitto, has a strategic role---capitalize on opportunities, as a representation of women in the development of rural democratization, which demonstrates the vision of the female head of village as the subject Development that influences the mind and character of the builders, and loyalty of devotion in the field of politics, economics and culture, for the sake of developing a dignified rural community.

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