Kontribusi Komite Sekolah Terhadap Pelaksanakan Sekolah Ramah Anak Pada SMP di Kabupaten Takalar

Supriadi Torro(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This study   aims to determine: 1) the contribution of the school committee to the implementation of child-friendly schools in junior high schools in Takalar Regency; 2) factors driving and inhibiting school committees in implementing child-friendly schools in junior high schools in Takalar Regency. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques used were Focus Group Discussion, In-depth Interview and Documentation. Data analysis techniques, data condensation, data models and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the school committee had a number of contributions to child-friendly schools, namely (1) advising school principals and school teams; (2) liaising between the school and school stakeholders; (3) as supervisors in all education rules and policies and (4) as supporters of safe and comfortable school life. The second research result is that the school committee has supporting factors for the implementation of child-friendly schools is the comfort of children in school, and parental concerns about children disappear, while the inhibiting factor is the weak implementation of agreed commitments, inadequate school facilities and infrastructure.

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