Potensi Pembelajaran Keanekaragaman Makrozoobentos Sebagai Sumber Belajar Biologi Berbasis Konstruktivis

Henny Setiawati(1*),

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Pare-Pare
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract:The study of the diversity of types of macrozoobentos is one of the learning resources that support constructivist based learning, that is learning based on real experience experienced by learners. Various learning strategies that can be used, including PQ4R strategy (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review). The PQ4R strategy has six stages that encourage learners to gain meaningful knowledge. The theoretical review aims to examine the potential of PQ4R strategies in macrozoobentos learning as a learning resource that builds meaningful knowledge in learners.

Keywords:  macrozoobenthos diversity, learning resources biology, constructivist, PQ4R strategy.

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