Pemanfaatan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menggiring Bola pada Permainan Sepak Bola Murid Kelas V SD INP BangkalA II Kota Makassar

Muh. Ilham Budi Utama(1*), Agus Ismail(2),

(1) Universitas Megarezky, Makassar
(2) Universitas Megarezky, Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstrack: Utilization of the TYPE STAD Cooperative Learning Model (Student Team Achievment Division) to improve dribbling skills in the soccer game for fifth grade students of SD INP Bangkala II Makassar. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of the STAD TYPE Learning Model to improve the skills of dribbling in the soccer game of grade v sd inp Bangkala II Makassar city. The research model uses a cooperative learning model where students remain in their groups throughout the learning process for several meetings. In Sports Physical and Health Education subjects, football is one of the types of sports that are favored by students, especially elementary school students of Class V Inpres Bangkala II Makassar. In this game, the basic skill of playing football is very influential on the quality of one's play, because it is one of the main assets in playing football. Basic skills are skills that a person has from birth that can be sharpened and developed in line with their growth. The basic skills of playing football consist of kicking the ball, dribbling and stopping the ball. Skills about basic soccer techniques are important given to students so that students have basic skills about football. The reality on the ground by observing research subjects, namely SD Inpres Bangkala II Makassar City, improvement and improvement of activities and skills in playing football, especially dribbling skills, seems to have not been maximized in physical education, sports and health (Penjasorkes) especially soccer. This is indicated by the still low dribbling skills of students who are at the school. Keywords: football, cooperative models, learning outcomes

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