Perbandingan Rasa Ingin Tahu dan Demokrasi Peserta Didik yang Dibelajarkan Model Discovery Berbasis Kontekstual dan Model Pembelajaran Langsung

Sugiarti Sugiarti(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: This research is a quasi-experimental study which aims to compare the attitudes of curiosity and democracy of learners who are taught contextual discovery-based learning models with direct learning models. The independent variables in this study are context-based discovery models and direct learning models while the dependent variables are curiosity and democracy. The population in this study were all students of class XI MIPA SMAN 6 Takalar as many as 6 classes, while the sample was class XI MIPA 1 as experimental class I and class XI MIPA 3 as experimental class II, each of which amounted to 29 people. Data from research on curiosity and democracy are obtained by observation sheets during and at the end of learning. The data is then analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with a t test for curiosity and mann-whitney for democracy. The results of the descriptive analysis of experimental class I obtained mean values respectively 76.51 and 86.48. The results of the descriptive analysis of the experimental class II obtained mean values respectively 73.89 and 73.08. Based on the results of inferential statistical analysis, the value of tcount = 3.49> t (0.05; 56) = 1.68 for curiosity and the value of zcount = 3.64> z (0.05; 56) = 1.64. It can be concluded that the curiosity and democracy of students of class XI MIPA of SMAN 6 Takalar who were taught with discovery-based contextual models were higher than direct learning. Keywords: Discovery Learning, Contextual, Curiosity, Academic Honesty

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