Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Materi Sistem Peredaran Darah pada Siswa SMP KELAS VIII

Ryan Putra Adhytama S(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract:   Interactive multimedia is a combination if various media (file format) in the form of text, image, graphics, sound, animation, video, etc. that are integrated and packaged into digital files, can be used and controlled by the user so that the message of learning material optimally accepted by students. Research development aims to determine: 1) the validity, 2) the practivality, and 3) the effectiveness of interactive multimedia on the material circulatory system in humans. This research used 4D model, namely: 1) Establish and define the terms of learning, 2) Prepare prototype learning devices, 3) Produce revised learning devices based on input from experts, 4) use of devices that have been developed on a wider scale. The results of the study show: 1) interactive multimedia circulatory system material in humans developed by this researcher declared valid by the validator. 2) Based on the teacher’s response and the response of students, the interactive multimedia circulatory system material in humans developed by this researcher was declared practical Achievement of student learning outcomes after the application of interactive multimedia to circulatory system material in humans developed by this researcher is stated to have met the effectiveness criteria. Keywords: Interactive multimedia, human circulatory system

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