Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Berbasis Pemecahan Masalah pada Materi Biologi SMA Kelas X

Nur Azizah Kaharuddin(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract:    Student worksheet based on problem based learning model is developed by lack of learning tools such as student worksheet that can facilitate students to have a critical thinking. The development of this product aimed to produce the student worksheet product based on PBL model on biodiverisity material which are valid, practical and effective. This study used Research and Development by adapting the ADDIE model, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The product assessment is performed by two expert validators. This research was conducted at SMAN 2 Gowa, which had previously been carried out in the analysis phase to determine the circumstances, needs, constraints that occur and experienced by students and teachers on the learning process. One problem is the use of student worksheets that have been used for a long time, and are still used in learning now. The student worksheet used contains questions to test theoretical concepts and has not trained students to think critically. Based on the results of observations and interviews, a new breakthrough in learning is needed, especially the student worksheet used by SMAN 2 Gowa students, still needs improvement or development according to the criteria of a good student worksheet and is able to facilitate students to think critically. Some studies reveal that learning to use student worksheet-based PBL has a positive impact. Based on the results of the study of Arafah et al (2012), it was concluded that the application of learning using student worksheets in animalia material can improve student learning outcomes and activities, provoking critical thinking skills and being independent. In Nurhawa's Research (2014), by applying PBL on student worksheets in addition to improving students' critical thinking skills also had an impact on the achievement of student learning outcomes. Based on the results of these studies it can be concluded that by developing a student worksheet with PBL model that is valid, practical and effective it can facilitate students to think critically. Keywords:  Student Worksheet, Problem Based Learning, Valid, Practical, effective

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