Kemampuan Berfikir Kreatif (Creative Thinking Skill) pada Pembelajaran Biologi Berbasis Speed Reading – Mind Mapping (SrMm)

Muhammad Mahfud(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: The current development demands the education world in order to be able to provide competencies that are in accordance with the needs of the community. Several studies in various regions state that, students who graduate from school are unable to compete globally due to the lack of ability to think creatively, this is due to the lack of learning instruments that can empower students' creative thinking abilities and most only refer to cognitive intelligence. To overcome these problems, we need a design of learning that is expected to be used to empower and improve students' creative thinking abilities. Learning that uses the speed reading - mind mapping (SR-MM) approach is a form of learning that can empower and enhance students' creative thinking abilities in their learning. The procedure in this learning approach will guide students to do speed reading activities through the stages of scanning (glance), prediction (predicting), and playing ideas (looking for main ideas), and then proceed with making notes in the form of mind mapping. Such a learning process is expected to help students improve their ability to think creatively. Given the importance of the ability to think creatively, efforts to integrate the process of learning to think creatively must be realized to prepare students to be able to compete in a competitive manner. That is why various studies to apply creative thinking skills must be carried out Keywords: Thingking creative, speed reading, mind mapping, pembelajaran biologi

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