Kesalahan Konseptual dan Prosedural dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Matematika Yang Berkaitan Dengan Dengan Materi Fungsi Pada Siswa Kelas XI IPA 1 Man 2 Parepare

Irham Irham(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe (1) conceptual and procedural errors in solving mathematical problems related to functions in class XI students. IPA 1 MAN 2 Parepare; (2) the causes of conceptual and procedural errors in solving mathematical problems related to functions in class XI students. IPA 1 MAN 2 Parepare; and (3) standard recommendations for teaching mathematics according to NCTM to help students overcome conceptual and procedural errors in solving mathematical problems related to functions. This research is categorized into qualitative research with a descriptive-explorative approach. Data collection techniques through the provision of diagnostic tests and interviews. The research subjects consisted of 4 (four) people, who were divided into 2 (two) categories namely, 2 (two) high-ability people, and 2 (two) lowability people The results of the study were: (1) conceptual errors occurred in low-ability subjects which is wrong in interpreting concepts, and not right in using formulas or theorems in solving mathematical problems. Procedural errors occur in high-ability subjects and low-low-ability subjects, namely mistakes or inability to manipulate steps to answer math problems, make inferences without a valid reason, errors because students do not continue the completion steps, and errors related to students' ability to prerequisite material. Procedural errors that occur in low-ability subjects are mistakes in substituting values into variables, irregularities in the steps in solving mathematical problems, student errors in observing and understanding diagnostic test instructions, and errors related to students' ability to prerequisite material; (2) the cause of the error is not being able to determine the composition function that is known to its composition function, determining the composition and inverse functions, not yet mastering the prerequisite material for algebraic form operations so that it gives rise to procedural errors; and (3) standard recommendations for teaching mathematics according to NCTM to overcome errors, namely learning that includes 4 components including tasks, discourse, environment, and analysis implemented in learning. Keywrods: Conceptual, Procedural, Mathematics

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