Pengaruh Penerapan Model Discovery Learning Terhadap Hasil Belajar dan Retensi Belajar Peserta Didik pada Materi Ekosistem Kelas X MIA SMA Negeri 3 Makassar

Indri Dwi Salsabila(1*), A.Mushawwir Taiyeb(2), Syamsiah Syamsiah(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: This study is quasy experimental with a pretest-posttest-retest control group design research design that aims to determine the learning outcomes and learning retention of students. The study sample was randomly selected and selected class X MIA 1 as the experimental class and X MIA 5 as the control class. The technique of collecting data through giving multiple choice tests before (pretest) and after (posttest) learning to measure learning outcomes and learning retention after learning (posttest) and two weeks after the posttest administration. The data analysis technique used is descriptive and inferential statistical analysis with anacova test. The results showed that (1) The average value of student learning outcomes learned by the discovery learning model was 12.9% in the excellent category. 45.16% were in the good category. 32.25% are in the sufficient category. 9.67% are in the less category and none is in the very less category. (2) The average learning retention of students taught by discovery learning is 70.96% in high category learning retention. 19.36% are in the moderate category, and 9.67% are in the low category. (3) The discovery learning model influences the learning outcomes and learning retention of students in the X MIA class materials at 3 Makassar Public High School. Keywords: discovery learning, learning outcomes, learning retention

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