Analisis Kebutuhan Hasil Belajar dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik pada Pembelajaran Biologi

Amaliah Safitri(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: Indonesia is currently striving to develop education by continuing to renew its education curriculum, namely by changing the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) into the 2013 Curriculum. 2013 curriculum requires many things, including the activity of students in the learning process so that the learning process is no longer teacher-centered but student-centered. Students are currently prepared to be able to understand structurally about knowledge and can think critically in response to various problems that occur. Primarily on subjects that concern nature. Natural sciences that most need good knowledge and critical thinking skills of students are Biologies, while currently both of these are still at a low level. The low learning outcomes and critical thinking skills of students in Biology learning are caused by the use of less innovative learning models and teaching materials such as LKPD which are rarely developed. LKPD that is used in learning should train students to be able to properly understand the material so that it can improve learning outcomes and explore skills in searching, processing, and assessing various information critically. LKPD which can be used in biology learning is a guided inquiry-based LKPD that demands the active participation of students in learning to solve problems and find out their own knowledge so that the learning process becomes meaningful. Keywords: LKPD, Guided Inquiry, Learning Outcomes, Critical Thinking Ability, Biological Learning.

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