Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Pada Materi Menentukan Keliling Bangun Datar Melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran NHT Kelas III Kota Sorong

Lely Alfiandari(1*), Hajerah Hajerah(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to improve learning outcomes on the material of determining the perimeter of flat shapes through the NHT (Numbered Head Together) learning model in class III Sorong City. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) and uses the Kemmis & Taggart spiral model. This research consists of two cycles. The research was conducted at SD Inpres 109 Perumnas Sorong City. The research subjects were third grade students totaling 26 people. The data collection methods used were tests, observation, documentation, interviews, and field notes. The technique used in data analysis is qualitative descriptive analysis technique.

From the results of the study it can be concluded that: (1) the application of the NHT learning model can improve learning outcomes on the material of determining the perimeter of flat shapes in class III. The average completeness of student learning outcomes in cycle I and cycle II on the material of determining the perimeter of flat shapes reached 79%. (2) student activeness in learning the material of determining the perimeter of a flat shape has increased. In cycle I, students' activeness increased from 72% in the first meeting to 87% in the second meeting. Classical activeness in general reached 76% and was categorized as an active class. The NHT learning model can improve students' social activity. The activeness was realized in several activities observed during the research, namely asking questions, answering questions, working on LKPD, discussion, exchanging answers, arguing or giving opinions.

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