Incorporating 4C Competencies in EFL Classroom: A Case Study at English Language Education Study Program

Nur Aeni(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Adapting 4C Competencies in a Post-Pandemic EFL Classroom. The purpose of this research is to look into the adoption of 4C competences in post-pandemic EFL classrooms. The researcher employed the descriptive qualitative method. The information for this study was acquired through observation and interviews. Second-year English language study program students enrolled in Extensive Reading class, as well as the professor in charge of such class.  There were 38 students involved in this study. The data analysis demonstrated that the lecturer and students in the Extensive Reading class used the 4C competencies in the teaching and learning process. The 4C competencies stimulate students' creativity as part of the application of creative competences based on the study findings. The lecturer’s task in the classroom included asking students to come up with fresh concepts for the content being covered. Incorporating 4C competences in the EFL classroom is a forward-thinking approach that not only improves language competency but also provides students with skills and abilities critical for future success in a globalized and interconnected society. It prepares individuals to achieve in areas other than language proficiency, such as personal and professional growth.

Keywords: 4C competencies, EFL Classroom

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Performance: Journal of Language Education and Literature, Faculty of Languages and Literature Universitas Negeri Makassar


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