Ilustrasi Landmark Kota Yogyakarta sebagai Ide Penciptaan Motif Batik Topeng

Desiana Muryasari(1*), Rohiman Rohiman(2), Probosiwi Probosiwi(3),

(1) Institut Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya
(2) Institut Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya
(3) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
(*) Corresponding Author



Wooden batik is an original artistic product characteristic of Yogyakarta. The center of wooden batik production in Yogyakarta is located in Krebet, Pajangan District, Bantul. The research objective is to create new motifs to enhance the variety of wooden batik motifs. This research implements a qualitative method through stages of identification, data collection and analysis, determining the design scheme, and describing the design (creation) process. The process of creating wooden batik is not significantly different from batiking fabric, involving five main stages: 1) pattern/motif design, 2) applying wax, 3) coloring, 4) dewaxing (the process of removing the applied wax), and 5) finishing. The product chosen as the focus for the development of wooden batik motifs is the mask. The selection of wooden batik motifs focuses on landmarks illustrated with visual art components, creating a unique compositional form. Landmarks are elements that represent the distinctive features of Yogyakarta, such as the Pal Putih monument, Vredeburg fortress, Parangtritis beach, Tamansari, and the like. The development of Yogyakarta landmark wooden batik motifs can serve as a concrete strategy through art to preserve and promote culture, traditions, arts, tourism, and provide education, especially for students related to the history and monumental buildings in Yogyakarta.

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