Kesiapan Sekolah dan Efek Jangka Pada Aspek Kompetensi Sosio-Emosional

Rohmah Rifani(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



Cases of early entrance in elementary school (<7 years) are still mostly carried out by parents and schools. Research on the long-term impact of this issue is limited. This semi-qualitative research aims to explore the long-term impact on socio-emotional competence. Respondents are students in the city of Makassar who have a history of early entrance. Respondents who filled out the questionnaire were 138 people but who filled it completely were 127 people through purposive sampling technique. Data collection methods were conducted through questionnaires (closed and open questions), focus group discussions (FGD) and depth interview. FDG and depth interview were conducted on 16 respondents. The results of the descriptive analysis showed that 60% of respondents were exposed to negative experiences and 40% were exposed to positive experiences (N=127). Negative experiences such as being bullied (15%), bullied (3%), negative emotions (12%), academic problems (9%), adjustment barriers (9%), lack of confidence (7%) and poor of self-help (5%). While positive experiences such as enthusiasm for learning and achievement (10%), neutral affect (30%). The effects of negative experiences were felt by college (47%), high school (11%), junior high school (25%) and 16% have disappeared during elementary school. Based on FGDs and interviews, almost all respondents had negative experiences, only one had positive experiences. Long-term effects such as feeling uncomfortable in peer group, fear, enxiety, lack of confidence, and negative feeling, and sibling rivalry.   Implications: the importance of socializing the non-cognitive domain and mentoring programs to improve social-emotional competence on early entrance.


socio-emotional, school readiness, elementary school, age

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Fakutas Psikologi Universitas Negeri Makassar


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