Gambaran Gaya Kelekatan di Masa Dewasa pada Individu yang Pernah Mengalami Kekerasan Emosional dari Primary Caregiver

Lhin Greis Ramba(1*), Muhammad Daud(2), Harlina Hamid(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



Emotional abuse from primary caregivers in childhood causes some negative impacts and affects individuals in establishing interpersonal relationships, including attachment styles to partners in adulthood. Primary caregivers are caregivers who have the most role in the process of caring for children, such as parents or other substitute figures. This study uses a phenomenological approach to determine the attachment style in adulthood in individuals who have experienced emotional abuse from the primary caregiver. The study involved four respondents aged 21 to 30 years. The data collection technique used an emotional violence scale to conduct screening, semi-structured interviews, and self-reports. The results of data analysis showed that respondents who experienced emotional abuse from their primary caregiver before the age of 12 developed an insecure attachment style, namely an anxious attachment style to romantic relationships in adulthood. Two respondents experienced a change from anxious attachment style to secure attachment style. Changes in the attachment style of the two respondents were caused by influencing factors including past experiences, personality, problem-solving strategies, and social support. Through this, individuals who have experienced emotional abuse in childhood can begin to reflect on their previous experiences in relationships to build better relationships.


Adult Attachment Style, Early Adulthood, Emotional Abuse, Primary Caregiver

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