Distribution of Working Capital Loans and Profitability Levels at PT BRI (Persero) Tbk Somba Opu Unit Office Makassar City

Muh Asfar(1*),

(1) Prodi Pendidikan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



This study aims to determine the distribution of working capital loans and the level of bank profitability at PT BRI (Persero) Tbk Somba Opu Office Makassar City. The variable of this research is the independent variable (X) namely working capital credit (KMK). It is measured by comparing working capital credit with total credit provided by the bank, and the dependent variable (Y) is the bank's profitability which is measured by comparing profit after tax with total assets. , both variables use the percentage unit of measure (%). The population and the sample used in this study are all financial report data and notes on financial reports for the distribution of Working Capital Loans, during 2012-2016 data collection using documentation, observation and interview techniques. The data collected is processed using the ROA Profitability ratio. Based on data in 2012-2013, the development of working capital loans experienced a significant increase of 17.66% due to the existence of convenient bank facilities and offering changes to the debtor's obligation payment schedule or the concrete term of the bank offering debt scheduling. In 2014 there was a decrease of 19.26% due to the lack of qualified Human Resources (HR) ranging from a lack of manpower planning, recruitment and selection systems, training systems, performance appraisals to the problem of compensation to be given. In 2015 there was an increase of 47.48% due to the offer of reduced loan interest rates with the main factor affecting the size of the interest rate setting. In 2016 there was an increase of 13.44% due to additional programs in the form of promotional strategies for products offered to new customers or prospective customers, promotions were also carried out to retain old customers.


Credit Distribution; Working Capital Credit, Profitability Level.

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