Achmad Nur Kholis(1*), Setyo Budi(2), Desy Nurcahyanti(3),

(1) Sebelas Maret University
(2) Sebelas Maret University
(3) Sebelas Maret University
(*) Corresponding Author



Candi Arimbi merupakan bangunan bersejarah peninggalan Kerajaan Majapahit yang terletak di Kabupaten Jombang. Beragam media inovatif dan kreatif harus dimanfaatkan dalam rangka pelestarian kearifan lokal, salah satunya adalah batik.  Nilai esetik  pada batik menciptakan daya tarik bagi masyarakat untuk memahami mengenai visual dan makna yang terkandung di dalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai estetik batik Jombangan motif Arimbi Ratu yang menjadi media pelestarian kearifan lokal berupa Candi Arimbi. Metode penelitian berjenis kualitatif deskriptif digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data, sehingga nantinya akan disajikan dalam bentuk kalimat yang terperinci. Teknik analisis data menggunakan metode reduksi berdasarkan hasil observasi lapangan serta wawancara kepada seniman pencipta batik. Pengkajian nilai estetika akan menggunakan pendekatan teori dari Luca Iandoli dan Giuseppe Zollo dari bukunya yang berjudul “Elegant Design”. Batik Jombangan merupakan bentuk perwujudan dari kebudayaan berupa karya seni rupa yang mengandung suatu filosofi dan nilai estetik yang terstruktur berdasarkan teori pengkajian. Sebagai bentuk media pelestarian kearifan lokal, tentunya hal ini harus dipublikasikan lebih luas lagi. Visualisasi Candi Arimbi yang merupakan bagian dari kearifan lokal Jombang berupa motif batik mencerminkan kebaruan dalam memperkenalkan kebudayaan daerah yang terbarui.

Arimbi Temple is a historical relic of the Majapahit Kingdom which is located in Jombang City. Various innovative and creative media must be utilized in the context of preserving local wisdom, one of which is batik. The aesthetic value of batik creates an attraction for people to understand the visuals and the meanings contained therein. This study aims to determine the aesthetic value of Jombangan batik with the Arimbi Ratu motif which is a medium for preserving local wisdom, namely the Arimbi Temple. The research method is descriptive qualitative type used to collect data, so that later it will be presented in the form of detailed sentences. The data analysis technique uses the reduction method based on the results of field observations and interviews with batik artists. The assessment of aesthetic value will use a theoretical approach from Luca Iandoli and Giuseppe Zollo from their book entitled "Elegant Design". Jombangan Batik is a form of cultural embodiment in the form of works of art that contain a philosophy and aesthetic value that is structured based on the theory of study. As a form of media for preserving local wisdom, of course this should be published more widely. The visualization of Arimbi Temple, which is part of Jombang's local wisdom in the form of batik motifs, reflects the novelty of introducing the newest regional culture.

rimbi Temple is a historical relic of the Majapahit Kingdom which is located in Jombang City. Various innovative and creative media must be utilized in the context of preserving local wisdom, one of which is batik. The aesthetic value of batik creates an attraction for people to understand the visuals and the meanings contained therein. This study aims to determine the aesthetic value of Jombangan batik with the Arimbi Ratu motif which is a medium for preserving local wisdom, namely the Arimbi Temple. The research method is descriptive qualitative type used to collect data, so that later it will be presented in the form of detailed sentences. The data analysis technique uses the reduction method based on the results of field observations and interviews with batik artists. The assessment of aesthetic value will use a theoretical approach from Luca Iandoli and Giuseppe Zollo from their book entitled "Elegant Design". Jombangan Batik is a form of cultural embodiment in the form of works of art that contain a philosophy and aesthetic value that is structured based on the theory of study. As a form of media for preserving local wisdom, of course this should be published more widely. The visualization of Arimbi Temple, which is part of Jombang's local wisdom in the form of batik motifs, reflects the novelty of introducing the newest regional culture.


batik; candi; estetik; kearifan lokal; pelestarian

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