Natural Lighting and Air Conditioning Systems in Traditional Bugis Houses

Iskandar Iskandar(1*), Muhammad Ardi(2), Nurlita Pertiwi(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. Traditional Bugis houses have various window shapes/types, based on the construction frame of the walls that form them. This research aims to determine the natural lighting and ventilation system in traditional Bugis houses from the aspects of environmental health, comfort and occupant needs. The sources selected in this research were subjectively chosen by cultural figures who understand the placement and shape of Bugis house windows. The data obtained is then compared with related documents/theories to determine the validity of the field data. The analysis used is a qualitative description by comparing theories of ventilation and natural lighting based on architectural science. The results of the research show that the window/tellongeng functions as natural ventilation and lighting which is placed on the outer wall of each section of the aliri/pole construction. The window is a place for air to flow into the room and it continues to flow based on the direction of the wind (cross ventilation) so that it feels cool in the room. Likewise, natural lighting through windows/tellongeng to illuminate the room from the four sides of the house walls can make the room feel comfortable.


Keywords: Bugis House, Air Conditioning, Lighting, Health and Environment.

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