Tulimatika Application on Learning Integers and Polyhedron at School for Students of Disabilities

Rusli Rusli(1*), Hamzah Upu(2), Alif Rezki(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


This study is research and development, which refers to the 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). The study was conducted at SLB Negeri 1 Makassar, a school for students with disabilities, in the first and second semesters of the 2021/2022 academic year. The results of the data obtained are as follows: 1) the results of the assessment by the media experts obtained an average value of 3.68 with a very valid category, and the assessment by the material experts obtained an average value of 3.00 with a valid category, 2) the results of teacher's responses obtained an average value of 2.57 with a high category, and the results of the response of deaf students obtained an average value of 2.78 with a high category, 3) the data of deaf students' activities obtained 55.29% with poor category, meaning that the deaf students are still less active, the data of teacher's activity in learning management obtained 58.89% with poor category, meaning that the teacher's activities in learning management are inadequate. However, the learning completeness of deaf students reaches 88.88%. Based on these results, the Tulimatika application for learning integers and polyhedrons is stated as valid, practical, and effective.

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