Exploration of Students' Mathematical Literacy Based on Opportunity to Learn Through Context-Based Questions

Usman Mulbar(1*), Nasrullah Nasrullah(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to explore what students' mathematical literacy skills look like through a series of opportunity to learn provided in the form of context-based questions. This activity was carried out at MTsN 1 Polewali Mandar in grade VII D students. The research instruments used included mathematical literacy tests, interview guidelines, and student work artifacts. The data collected was processed using content analysis techniques based on conceptual and correlational analysis. The results show that opportunity to learn can be prepared in the form of context-based math problems. Through such questions, students experience a learning process that supports the development of their mathematical literacy skills. This development can be seen from the ability of students to use their knowledge and reasoning in utilizing mathematical concepts to solve the given problems. Not all students can achieve the best level in learning mathematics. This is influenced by two factors, both internally and externally. Internal constraints can be in the form of misconceptions, inaccuracy, lack of knowledge and learning experience, and lack of initiative. Meanwhile, external constraints can be in the form of a conducive learning environment.

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