Character-Based Learning and Critical Thinking with UNOMAT Media

Besse Harnanengsi Har(1*), Nurdin Arsyad(2), Rusli Rusli(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


This research aims to determine character-based learning and critical thinking through the development of UNOMAT media. This research is a Research and Development 4D model. The research instruments used were student activity observation sheets, student learning outcomes tests, student response questionnaires, teacher response questionnaires, and validation sheets. The UNOMAT learning media was tested on a limited basis to class IX students MTs As'adiyah No.34 Doping which consisted of 30 students. The results of this study indicate that the resulting UNOMAT media is included in the good category with an average validity value of 3.94 (Very Valid). The media meets the practicality aspect as indicated by the average observation () = 2.51, with the percentage of agreements being 97.30%. And for the effectiveness of the UNOMAT learning media, the average student response was 81.04%, the students stated a positive response to the student activity sheet, and the average student learning outcome test was 82.2275 in the complete category because it is greater than the KKM. The conclusion is that this learning media can be developed with other materials and can be developed with some improvements.

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