Contribution of Boat Classes to Improving The Quality of Education in Pangkajene and Islands Areas

Umrah Umrah(1*), Supriadi Torro(2), Zainal Arifin(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. This study aims to determine: 1) How the contribution class boat to improve the quality of education in islands the Pangkajene and Archipelago districts, 2) what is the driving factors for the implementation of boat classes to improve the quality of education in islands the Pangkajene and Archipelago, 3) what are the inhibiting factors for implementation of boat classes to improve the quality of education in islands in the Pangkajene and Archipelago districts. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. This type of research is a qualitative type with data analysis techniques through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The data validation technique uses the member check technique. The number of informants in this study werw 7 people who were determined through purposive sampling with the criteria for the principal informants and teachers who teach in the boat class. The results showed that the boat class that: 1) contribution to improving the quality of education in the archipelagic region of Pangkajene Islands Regency which can be seen from: a) effective in reducing the dropout rate (NER), b) class Repeat Rate (AMK) decreases and c) increasing student scores continuously, 2) In its implementation, of course, this boat class cannot be separated from factors that affect, among others, driving factors and inhibiting factors. As for that driving factors, namely: a) There is support form schools such as students who take boat class services who are given time to come to school after returning from fishing and students who take boat class services are specially guided outside of teaching and learning hours in class or school education service policies, b) parental support,while the inhibiting factors for the implementation of boat classes are: a) inadequate learning facilities, b) time is not optimal, c) the absence of special funds for boat class services.



Keywords: Boat class, improving the quality of education, and archipelago


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