Engineering Level of Information Technology and Communication of Kanak Garden Teachers in Makassar City

Syamsuardi Syamsuardi(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. Children's interest in game technology becomes a magnet that can attract children's interest in activities and playing. This is of course the role and responsibility of the teacher to package an activity-oriented learning method that is able to channel children's interest in the use of technology. Of course, this interest must be aligned with the learning mission that is being carried. Therefore, the ability of teachers to increase the potential for mastery of technology must be the most important thing. Increasing these skills is necessary so that teachers can produce innovative, creative, and attractive learning media based on technology. However, to achieve this goal requires the skills of teachers in providing learning media that attracts children's interests, while the results of field analysis show that teachers in kindergarten do not fully have the knowledge and skills about computer technology. Most of the kindergarten teachers do not have the confidence in using computer technology in preparing learning media, especially audiovisual based. This condition of course has an impact on the low learning outcomes of children, especially in terms of pre-reading skills. The programs that have been made by the school have not run optimally due to these problems. Therefore, a training is needed on the manufacture and use of audiovisual learning media for early childhood. Keywords: information and communication technology, learning media



Keywords: Technology and communication, engineering, learning media

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