Evaluation of Development and Application of Traditional Food At Four Traditions Ethnic in South Sulawesi And Its Potential For Culinary Tourism

Jokebet Saludung(1*), Nahriana Nahriana(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. This research is in the form of program evaluation in the field which aims to evaluate the development and application of traditional food in traditional ceremonies of four ethnicities in South Sulawesi, which originally consisted of the Mandar, Makassar, Buginese and Toraja ethnic groups. After Mandar separated from West Sulawesi, the four ethnic groups shifted to become Makassar Ethnic, Bugis Ethnic, Enrekang Ethnic and Toraja Ethnic. The four ethnic groups are located in 24 districts, so data is collected from  24 districts. The largest area of domicile is the Bugis ethnic group. The data were collected by 9 D3 students, 28 undergraduate students, 5 lecturers who mastered traditional food. Students involved in data collection are students from the data source area. Data is expected to collect at least 20 types of traditional food from each district. At the same time evaluating which potential can be developed into culinary tourism. The data collection method used is a combination of qualitative and quantitative. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis. From the results of the evaluation it was found that there were as many as 400 kinds of traditional foods from four ethnicities that had been developed and applied to the traditional ceremonies of the four ethnic groups in South Sulawesi but not all of them were developed and applied for culinary tourism. Therefore, it still needs to be further developed and implemented because the potential is very large for the development of culinary tourism in South Sulawesi in applied research in the following year (the second year). The results of this study have made a book design for teaching materials for regional food and traditional food courses in PKK-FT-UNM. Key words: program evaluation, development and application of traditional food, traditional ceremonies of four ethnicities in South Sulawesi, culinary tourism.




Keywoards: Development, application, traditional food, four traditions ethnic

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