Improving Students’ Ability To Identify Parts Of Speech Through Grammar Translation Method: (A Classroom Action Research At The Second Semester Students Of Bulukumba Muhammadiyah University)

A. Eritme Yustika Abrar(1*), Sri Wahyuni Thamrin(2), Geminastiti Sakkir(3),

(1) Bulukumba Muhammadiyah University
(2) Bulukumba Muhammadiyah University
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The method of this research was Classroom Action Research that consisted of two cycles. The objective of this research was intended to know  the students’ ability and achievement to identify verb, noun and adjective in sentence through Grammar Translation Method as a teaching media at the Second Semester Students of Bulukumba Muhammadiyah University).The subject of this research was class 19A at Second Semester Students of Bulukumba Muhammadiyah University by using random technique. It consisted of 36 students. The instrument of this research was written test and observation sheet. The findings of this research were the students score to identify parts of speech before application grammar translation method was 67.6 (fairly good), but after applying the method the students’ score in the cycle I became 74.2 (good) and in the cycle II the students’ score improved until 83.7 (Very Good). The students’ participation in teaching and learning listening also improved every meeting, where in the first meeting of cycle I was 53.7% and then became 88.2% in the fourth meeting of cycle II.


Keywords: Grammar, translation method

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