Child Social Interaction with Families in Toddler Children in Child Care

Basti Basti(1*), Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi(2), Eka Sufartianinsih Jafar(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The Child Care Center can be used as an alternative for parents who work and still have children under five. PPRSA Inang Matutu specifically provides development, guidance and care for children 7 hours in length every day so that the role of parents is greatly helped because they are replaced by social workers in child care centers. The question is whether the role or figure of the parent will be replaced? Therefore, this study will reveal the description of the Social Interaction of Children with Families in Children under Five in Child Care. The method used is descriptive qualitative by describing the condition of the subject in general and conducting an in-depth study on the number of subjects, in this study, 57 children and 10 mothers, who have specific answers or not generally. The research instrument was a CAT (Children's Apperception Test), namely cards that could reveal children's feelings and thoughts and FGD for parents. The results showed that it generally indicated closeness, involvement and intimacy to the family, but in some cases, around 14% children did not keep in touch so much to their parents, parents were less involved in caring, and children found themselves less significant in family. Thus, data deepening was carried out where the children's answers specifically felt that parental care was not optimal.


Key word: Day care, Family attachment, Parents involvment

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