Evaluation of Literacy Management Program in CIPP Theory Perspective (Context, Input, Process, and Product) in Group V Working Group Extraordinary Principal (K3-SLB) South Sulawesi

Agus Marsidi(1*), Kasmawati Kasmawati(2), Bastiana Bastiana(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. Reading and writing is an activity that is no stranger to the eyes of society. The ability to read and human thinking ability will be further developed and developed if trained and developed through reading and writing, so that knowledge will increase and improve the quality of thinking, attitude and behavior, especially in the era of globalization and economy - industry 4.0. Therefore, reading becomes a basic human need in order to face the competition of life in all fields. Literacy is a complementary and supportive activity. Someone who wants to develop Literacy skills, must listen a lot, read, write and discuss. Thus the literacy internization program must complement the relevant supporting facilities and infrastructure.

The Ministry of Education and Culture made a literacy program, as stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 23 of 2015. One of the activities in the movement is the activity of 15 minutes reading non-textbooks before the study time begins. The literacy component as a capital for the formation of quality, productive and competitive human resources, character, and nationalist. To support the program from the Ministry of Education, the South Sulawesi region also makes various efforts to make the school literacy movement program run smoothly. This study uses the CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, and Product). The problem studied and the purpose of this research is to know the results of the management of literacy programs in Group V K3SLBSulawesi Selatan in the perspective of Context, Input, Process, and Product

The results of this study are as follows: (1) Contextual evaluation including the background of literacy program and school support for literacy program is (a) Background of literacy program in SLB Negeri K3S Group V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo formed so that students become accustomed to reading activities and writing because most students avoid the habit of reading and writing. Therefore, after the introduction of Literacy in 2009, in K3S Group V SLB of the city of Bone, Soppeng and Wajo have created a literacy program called Reading. In addition, with the existing literacy program, the students become creative and often participate in competitions. (b) School support, in this case the school with suadana and suakelola meet the facilities and needs for literacy programs. The school has been socializing about the importance of literacy for students and parents.

(2) Evaluation of literacy program input in SLB Negeri K3S Gugus V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo includes students' interest in reading and writing as well as the completion of infrastructure facilities as supporters of literacy programs. (a) Literacy programs increase students' reading and writing interest compared to before the Literacy program. What else are the activities of the literacy program is currently being held various strategies, among others, to give gifts or awards to students, so that students' interest in reading and writing activities is also getting better. (b) The equipment facilities provided by the school include, bookshelves in the library, classrooms and in every corner of the school, Collection of books for reading activities in the library, smart park for students, teachers, and staff. However, there are some facilities and infrastructure that are poorly maintained so that schools need to improve.

(3) Evaluation of the literacy program process includes the implementation of strategies and the use of facilities / capital / materials in real literacy activities. The thinking framework of the management function includes planning, organization, implementation and supervision. (a) The planning of literacy programs in SLB Negeri K3S Gugus V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo is the planning that is used as an activity plan in the school library starting from the five-year long-term program and its short-term program. In addition to these programs there are additional programs for the group of literacy ambassadors where the activities of socializing the literacy program to the classes, holding literacy ambassador meetings, competitions related to literacy, and visits to other schools. (b) Organizational structure in schools all school people are involved in supporting literacy programs. In SLB Negeri K3S Gugus V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo in addition to the library organization structure there is a group of literacy ambassadors consisting of students where the task of this group of literacy ambassadors oversees and assists literacy activities. (c) The process of implementing literacy in SLB Negeri K3S Gugus V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo is seen from the GLS (School Literacy Movement) guidebook at the SLB level there are three stages, namely the level of familiarity, development and learning. Starting from reading activities 15 minutes before the start of the lesson, reviewing the book, retelling it in front of the class until the competition of competitions related to the literacy program. (d) Supervision or controlling activities are held once a week where only to evaluate learners. And if there is a problem then the solution will be found immediately.

(4) Evaluation of products in literacy programs. The product or literacy program implemented in SLB K3S Force V Bone, Soppeng and Stead in both categories. As a result of the literacy program, students become creative, students 'visits to the library increase, students' work is varied and they also have achievements in the K3S SLB Group V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo districts. Based on the results of these observations and discussions, it is concluded that the Literacy management program at SLB in the CIPP Perspective (Context, Input, Process, and Product) at the Extraordinary Principal Working Group (K3SLB) in Bone, Soppeng and Wajo was successful.

Keywords: Evaluation, Literacy, Context, Input, Process, and Product

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