Gufran Darma Dirawan(1*), Dyah Darma Andayani(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. Greenmetric UI is a rating system for ranking the sustainability efforts of campuses in the world by a certain numerical index and methodology. Greenmetric UI was first launched in 2010 by conducting an online survey regarding the latest conditions and policies from green campuses around the world. This study aims to conduct a study on integrated and sustainable waste management that has been carried out at Makassar State University as one of the indicators in Greenmetric UI to determine the Green Campus. The data obtained from the interview results were described based on the situation, condition, and identity of the informant, including the introduction of the interview until the interview material on the topic under study was clearly understood by the informant. Observations were made to obtain data on planning, implementation, and obstacles faced in implementing integrated and sustainable waste management at Makassar State University. The results show that the implementation of waste management has not been carried out in an integrated manner and has not met the standards set in Greenmetric UI. Recommendations for activities that can be carried out to meet this standard are also provided as part of an integrated and sustainable waste management study.

Keywords: Greenmetric UI, sustainability, green campus, evaluation

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