Attitudes and Language Politics of Management of Student Institutions Faculty of Languages and Literature State University of Makassar

Muhammad Alfian Tuflih(1*), Mayong Mayong(2), Ramly Ramly(3),

(1) State University of Makassar
(2) State University of Makassar
(3) State University of Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Attitudes and Language Politics of the Management of Student institutions Faculty of Languages and Literature State University of Makassar. This study aims to: 1) examine the language attitudes practiced by the management of the student  at the Faculty of Language and Literature State University of Makassar; and 2) examine the politics of language practiced by the management of the student of the Language and Literature Faculty of State University of Makassar. This research is a qualitative study using a qualitative descriptive research design. The subjects in this study were the management of student organizations at the Faculty of Languages and Literature, State University of Makassar. The object of the research is the attitudes and language politics practiced by the management of Student Organizations. The data analysis model used in this study, adopting an interactive data analysis model consisting of four activity lines, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that the diction used by the management of student organizations has its own strengths that can become encouragement and even indoctrinate other students to take action.

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